Motbydelig Horde 1994

Race:  Chaos Dwarf
Coach:  Kyrre

Motbydelig Horde 1994 team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
June 24th, 2020 - old news
Ernuzth Thaggorakuzkul joins Horde
We are excited to announce the signing of blocker talent, Ernuzth Thaggorakuzkul.

The young midfielder originates from the outskirts of Zorn Uzkul where he learnt his skaven killing trade.

He is described as meticulous in his preparation with an appetite for victory and blood. Ernuzth is expected to complete Elite Season XIII with Motbydelig Horde. The contract include an option for renewal at seasons end.

No releation to the late Horde player Ori Thaggorakuzkulaz
- Kyrre
Apr. 21st, 2020 - old news
Kyrre to retire
Having suffered another injury in Hooves of Hashut - Motbydelig Horde 1994 (Season XIII, round 4), Zorn-Bak-Kyrre have decided to announce his retirement from Blood Bowl. It is hard to even get out of the bed in the morning with two smashed ankles, let alone take hits from trolls.

Kyrre will stay on the team as the owner, head coach, assistant coach, and accountant for the forseeable future. As for team captain, Kyrre will fulfill that position as well until a replacement is named.

This is the first player retire from Motbydelig Horde since Zelazab Debazi left in 2018.

Motbydelig Horde 1994 is currently looking for a new blocker. Apply by PM. Please provide a letter of motivation, photo, résumé, and a 500 word essay on how much you like to flay rats. Mutants are encouraged to apply.
- Kyrre
Nov. 6th, 2017 - old news
Anger managment
Côtagar de Boeuf has been ordered by coach Zorn-Bak-Kyrre to attend a 6 step anger managmen program with renoved psychiatrist Ginit Bok Bran.

While the minotaur is busy working on mindfulness, Barag Galopp is expected to finish his copy of the self improvent book "Picking Up the Ball For Dummies".

The managment is confident that these measures will help Motbydelig Horde overcome the issues they have faced the last six games.
- Kyrre
Nov. 6th, 2017 - old news
RIP Zlymon Død
2016 OG Motbydelig Horde Zlymon Død is dead. Killed while doing his duty on the scrimmage line by the cowards Hyperion and Hurdles.

Zlymon død's most remarkable achievement is probably the fact that he never really achievement anything outside of playing every one of Motbydelig Horde 1994's 23 matches since the team restored in 2016.

Zlymon Død never really connected with his teammates, possibly due to his foreign sounding non-dwarfy name.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
- Kyrre
Tournaments played:
Semi Pro XV, Semi Pro XIII, ROTYL XVII, Semi Pro XIV, Season XII, Season XIII, Semi Pro XVIII, Semi Pro XVIV
Playing in:
Champions Cup
Trophies won:
AnBBL Silver: Season XII, Season XIII
SC Champions: Season XII
SC Silver: Season XIII




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