Match result

Season XI, SC, Round 1
Wood Elf logo
no custom badge
Jim's Hippie Bunch

gate: 16 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Nemi's Fanclub


Hanz Quickstroker
TD Scorers
profile Tywin
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

mercenary / fans / random event
mercenary / fans / random event
David Haslehoff
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event

Herman Braunauge


Fritzel Langschpritzen
Fritzel Langschpritzen
Fritzel Langschpritzen
Completions by
Samuel dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Uri Geiler
MVP awards to
Sustained Injuries

Uri Geiler
Miss Next Game
Result added August 31st, 2013

Match notes
This game was played at neutral ground at Casa de Kaufer in nice weather.

Jim's Hippie Bunch wins the cointoss and choose to recieve in the first half.

Jimbo's first ever official game in BB starts with a "perfect defence" in the kickofftable, and continues with a doubble "1" roll when he try to pass the ball.

Getting off easy in Jim's Hippie Bunch the first turn, Nemi's Fanclub takes full advantage of their first turn, badly hurting a woodelf in their first block, K.O'ing 1 more in their next one. Still, they cant get hold of the ball and Hanz Quickstroker can run in a TD in turn 3 after some close-call dodging and staying on his feet after Nemi's Fanclub's 2-dice blitz.

The rest of the half contains 4x "1 dice" blocks from Jim's Hippie Bunch all ending with "skull" result, and Nemi's Fanclub failes 2x "2+" dodges in a row - in different turns.

In their 7'th turn, Nemi's Fanclub decieds that enough is enough and goes for the TD. That cointained a 2+ dodge, a 3+ pickup cause of tacklezone, another 2+ dodge and then a 4+ pass with a possible interception (that failed), a 3+ catch cause of tacklezone and then a easy 2+ dodge and 1x "go-for-it". ELF STYLE!

In the last turn of first half, Tywin does a blitz-stab on Hanz Quickstroker, badly hurting him and therefor removing Jim's Hippie Bunch's most dangerous player from the game.
First half ends 1-1.

Second half is mostly back and forth in Jim's Hippie Bunch's half, both teams holding the ball in turns, where Jim's Hippie Bunch got a few casulties.

In the last turn for Nemi's Fanclub, Jim's Hippie Bunch only manages a push on Tywin with 2 dices, so the field are open towards their endzone.
Nemi's Fanclub still makes it interessting by rolling a both down and a skull on their block that would get Tywin free of tacklezones. The re-rolled push did nothing, so the dodge had to be made.

Game ends 1-2 in favour of Nemi's Fanclub

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