Match result

Team badge
Draconian Devils

gate: 24 000
2 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Horrid SkinEaters


profile Arnold Bounty (60000 gp) dead
profile Miyagi
TD Scorers
Fenrir Bark Hall of Fame Bounty (30000 gp) dead
Suth Robinkiller
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers
Suth Robinkiller

profile Pikkatsju dead

mercenary / fans / random event
Bryll Qrusch

mercenary / fans / random event
Bryll Qrusch

profile Forest Gimp dead
profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Pikkatsju dead
profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
Completions by
Draughx Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Draughx Bounty (20000 gp) dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Miyagi
MVP awards to
Crumply Bounty (40000 gp)
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
Miss Next Game
Begg Hrower

profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
Niggling Injury

profile Ugo Eqhioc dead
victim regenerated
Result added October 14th, 2009

Match notes
Nozdormu wins cointoss and decide to recieve.

First kickoff ends in a "blitz" (as usuall when Capshaw plays) and Horrid SkinEaters gets high in the field and makes it harder for Draconian Devils to get the ball.

Horrid SkinEaters scores first and makes it harder for Draconian Devils, but it ends 1-1 at half time.
Nothing more to report from first half, other than Vorgy Viggo killed Begg Hrower just to see him regen and come back on the pitch.

Second half didnt have to much drama either, 1-1 was the result, and 2-2 the final score.

It was however a clever move from Nozdormu that secured 2-2; sacreficing Mathrengyl Bearwalker.
As he dont have any defencive skills its suicide to have the ball high in the pitch, but with only slow Undeads close by, a "dump off" was the right way to go and Miyagi could outrun Undeads and safe in a last turn TD.

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