Reitan Rampagers

Player name
1   Nerfblatt
Underworld Troll
4 5 5+ 5+ 10+ Loner (4+), Always Hungry, Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate, Tentacles, ?       5
135 k
2   Rattus McSneakus
Underworld Skaven Clanrat
7 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Animosity (Underworld Goblin Linemen), Wrestle       2
70 k
3   Squaggoth The Mighty
Underworld Skaven Clanrat
7 3 2+ 4+ 8+ Animosity (Underworld Goblin Linemen), +AG, Block       -10
110 k
4   Bugg-Shash
Underworld Gutter Runner
9 2 2+ 4+ 8+ Animosity (Underworld Goblin Linemen), Dodge  M     0
85 k
5   Gobogeg
Underworld Skaven Thrower
7 3 3+ 2+ 8+ Animosity (Underworld Goblin Linemen), Pass, Sure Hands        1
85 k
6   Ptar-Axtlan
Underworld Skaven Clanrat
7 3 3+ 4+ 8+ Animosity (Underworld Goblin Linemen)        0
50 k
7   Sheb-Teth
Underworld Goblin Lineman
6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty        0
40 k
8 profile Gur'la-ya
Underworld Goblin Lineman
6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Two Heads M     0
60 k
9   Z'toggua
Underworld Goblin Lineman
6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty  M     0
40 k
10   Shlithneth
Underworld Goblin Lineman
6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty        0
40 k
11   Squeuabbith-ka
Underworld Skaven Blitzer
7 3 3+ 5+ 9+ Animosity (Underworld Goblin Linemen), Block, Mighty Blow (+1), Horns, Stand Firm       5
140 k
12   Nssu-Ghahnb
Underworld Goblin Lineman
6 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, ?       4
40 k
13   Gimp
Underworld Snotling
5 1 3+ 5+ 6+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Side Step, Stunty, Titchy        0
15 k
no custom logo
Team Name: Reitan Rampagers Team Re-rolls: 3
Race: Underworld Denizens Cheerleaders: 0
Coach: Koba Borsk Ass. Coaches: 0
Dedicated Fans 5 Apothecary: yes
Treasury: 60 000 gp Current Value: 985 k
Special rules: Bribery and Corruption, Underworld Challenge

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